プライバシーポリシー|台湾の寿司バーコンベアベルトメーカー |ホン・チェン

Privacy Policy|飲食店向け自動システムを中心に、配食ロボット、新幹線システム、ベルトコンベアシステム、タブレットオーダーシステム、モバイルオーダーシステム、ディスプレイコンベア、寿司機械、オーダーメイド配食システム、食器などを取り扱っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Privacy Policy

Legal Terms and Conditions

Hong Chiang Technology Co., LTD. respects the privacy rights and interests of each customer. Hong Chiang Technology Industry Co., LTD. will observe the principles when processing your personal information fairly and lawfully. We take the protection of personal data very seriously. We want you to know when we are storing your data, what data we are storing and how we are using it.

Comprehensive Privacy Policy for Personal Information Protection

1. Policy on Personal Information Protection : The Company is committed to adhering to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, along with other relevant guidelines and regulations pertaining to personal information protection, in relation to the personal information we obtain.

2. Management of Personal Information Security: We implement necessary and suitable measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information under our management. This is achieved through the application of appropriate organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to safeguard personal information.

3. Collection and Usage Purpose of Personal Information: The Company’s practices regarding the collection and use of personal information are as follows: (a) Collection of Personal Information We may collect personal information from customers and applicants via this website, as required for our business operations. (b) Purpose of Personal Information Usage Unless otherwise stipulated by law or with the individual’s consent, we will not use the collected personal information beyond the scope of the following specified usage purposes:
• Sales and marketing activities
• Dissemination of information on products, maintenance, exhibitions, seminars, events, campaigns, etc.
• Recruitment activities
• Other operations incidental and related to the business
(c) Provision of Personal Information We will not provide personal information obtained with the individual’s consent to any third party without the individual’s prior consent, except as otherwise required by law. We will respond appropriately to requests for disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of personal information or notification of the purpose of use of personal information, in accordance with the law.

4. Improvement and Review of Personal Information Handling: The Company will conduct audits of its personal information handling and management system, and will continuously improve and review them.

5. Disposal of Personal Information: The Company will erase or dispose of personal information that is no longer necessary for the purpose of use or no longer needed, in a necessary and appropriate manner to prevent external loss, etc.

Tablet Application Privacy Policy

1. Definition: The Company has established the following privacy policy regarding the handling of user information, including personal information (hereinafter referred to as “User Information”), of the users of the “Tablet Application” (hereinafter referred to as “the Application”) provided by the Company.

2. Privacy Policy: With regard to the handling of personal information obtained by the Company, the Company shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, guidelines and other guidelines regarding the protection of personal information, and other related laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

3. Safe Management of Personal Information: We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information handled by us and to otherwise safely manage personal information by implementing appropriate organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to protect personal information.

4. Collection and Purpose of Use of User Information: We do not collect any user information when using this application.

5. Disclosure and Provision of User Information: The Company will not disclose or provide user information to any third party.

6. Establishment: This Privacy Policy is open to amendments. Should there be any modifications to the categories of user information collected, additions, alterations in the usage objectives, or changes in the disclosure of information to third parties due to enhancements to this application, we will inform users prior to the application download. If the changes are significant, we will seek their consent anew either before or during the installation process.

プライバシーポリシー|台湾の寿司バーコンベアベルトメーカー |ホン・チェン

2004年から台湾に拠点を置き、Hong Chiang Technology Co., LTD寿司屋や食卓用のベルトコンベアメーカーです。当社の主な食品配送システムには、寿司コンベア、コンベア ベルト、寿司トレイン、タブレット注文システム、ディスプレイ コンベア、速達システム、寿司機械、食器、寿司皿などが含まれており、経験豊富な設置経験により 40 か国以上で販売されています。

20 年以上の製造経験を持つ当社は、寿司トレインおよびコンベア ベルトの新しい機器付属品を設計および革新する独自の能力を持っています。 Hon Chiang は、世界トップ 3 のレストラン オートメーション メーカーであるだけでなく、カスタム コンベア ベルトの製造業者およびサプライヤーでもあります。飲食店向け自動システムを中心に、配食ロボット、新幹線システム、ベルトコンベアシステム、タブレットオーダーシステム、モバイルオーダーシステム、ディスプレイコンベア、寿司機械、オーダーメイド配食システム、食器などを取り扱っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。 Hon Chiang は、さまざまなレストランやその他の業界の人件費を削減し、競争力を維持できるよう、さまざまな寿司バー コンベア ベルトの開発に注力してきました。

Hong Chiang Technology2004年以来、高度な技術と20年の経験を活かして回転寿司を提供してきました。Hong Chiang Technologyそれぞれの顧客の要求が確実に満たされるようにします。